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Certificate in Pharmacy
(Introduction to Pharmacy Practice) (Level 3)

Credits : 40

Duration : 15 teaching weeks plus 3 study break weeks (plus 4 weeks summer break depending on intake start date). Face to face learning activities / Clinical Placement are normally scheduled over 3 days per week.

Delivery : You can expect the following workload for the theory modules:

  • 20 hours per week engaging in face-to-face learning activities.

  • 10 hours per week completing independent study tasks.

For 6 of the last 7 weeks of the programme students will be required to complete 144 hours of practicum in a commercial pharmacy setting (24 hours per week). The 7th week is for feedback activities relating to the practicum.

Fees :

International - $7,209 

Organizing Medicine

Intake Dates: 


Graduates will learn...

  • Safe practice and communication

  • Professional and ethical basic practices for a Pharmacy Assistant

  • Pharmacy related products and services

Career Pathways

The programme aims to provide the pharmacy sector with a graduate who has underpinning knowledge and skills in pharmacy retail. Graduates will be able to work within a pharmacy in a non-dispensing role with the supervision of a pharmacist or pathway into further study at level 4 or 5 in a pharmacy programme.


Pharmacy Assistants can progress to be a Pharmacy Technician working in the dispensary or may become retail or business managers looking after the retail side of the pharmacy.

Domestic students

  • At least 16 years of age at programme start date.

  • 8 credits at NCEA Level 1 in English (4 in reading, 4 in writing) or equivalent.

  • Minimum of 3 years secondary education.

  • There are no minimum academic requirements for applicants 20 years of age and over

International students

Entry Requirements

Core Papers Included

CPI 1.1 Safe Practice

  • Work ethically and professionally as required by the pharmacy code and standards

  • Interact with pharmacy team members and customers/patients to ensure the provision of culturally appropriate customer service.

  • Apply all legislation relevant to their workplace.


CPI 1.2 Pharmacy related products and services

  • Determine if it is safe and appropriate to provide pharmacy related products and services or advice to customers/patients and know when to refer to a pharmacist.

  • Provide First Aid


CPI 1.3 Pharmacy Assistant (Clinical)

  • Carry out a range of support activities within the pharmacy.

  • Perform accurate calculations using appropriate information technology tools for point-of-sale transactions and retail operations.

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Auckland Campus

Level 6 & 7,

3 City Road,

Auckland City - 1010

New Zealand



PO Box 8540. Newmarket,

Auckland 1149

Christchurch Campus

Ground Floor and Level 1,

282 Durham Street North,

Christchurch - 8011

New Zealand

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